emmett's face in this one just cracks me up
emmett loves my brother, and my brother loves emmett
emmett's mom is a professional photographer
love these two people
poor lucy was running on no nap. great family from my small group. they have even recently started contributing in kids' city also!
nelson family. she is also a professional photographer.
edinger family. they are a great part of kids' city, and open their home for small group every week.
the brown family. 1. i love this child so much. 2. they are just a fantastic family to know.
dad is always the one behind the camera, so i was more than happy to get some of just the two of them.
the carver family.
hollands + kuehns.
me, brother, and mom
i was crazy and let this child ^ use my camera.
this is what happened.
and of course you need some silly faces
smore time